AG600 will carry out oversea test flight in the next half of 2020

AVIC General 2020-06-05

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In the second half of this year China's self-developed large amphibious aircraft, “The Kun Dragon” AG600, will carry out a major test flight at sea in Qingdao City after its first land test flight in 2017 and first water test flight in 2018. The upcoming test flight will comprehensively promote the development of the AG600 program.


China’s water rescue system and rescue facilities are under the development process, as a large-size amphibious aircraft used for forest fire fighting as well as water/sea rescue, AG600 has the advantages of high speed, high accessibility and mobility, well search efficiency, safety and large loading capacity of up to 50 people for single rescue. It will meet our nation’s demand of establishing emergency rescue system and natural disaster prevention system when put into operation.

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